Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Getting to Korea

Here is the quick version - VERY long.

We got a direct flight from Dulles to Inchon Airport. The flight was just about 15 hours. That is an awfully long time to be stuck in an aluminum tube. It is hard to say to your kids "We've been here for 7 hours and we are almost half way." We flew KAL and they did a great job with service, etc. We had individual entertainment systems for every seat so we could watch movies, play video games etc. at our leisure. Th dogs flew in the same plan with us, but down below. They don't let you take 70 pound dogs into the cabin with you.
Once we got to Inchon everyone was very helpful to the point of pushing our luggage and dogs around so that we could go through immigration, animal import and customs. They has free luggage carts and did not expect any kind of tip. What a change from the states.
The we started to drive and ran into the Seoul traffic that we had heard about. It was bad. it took us about 3 hours to get to the base. It made for a very long day, but all in all it went as smoothly as it could have.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Bringing You Up To Date

OK - I know that it has been a long time since I have been on here - I am sorry, but much has happened in my life since then.

First, we found out that we were being transfered to Osan AB, Korea and had to be there by the end of Sep. Second, we had my daughter's Bat Mitzvah before we moved, but after we moved out of our house. Third, we actually have moved to Korea. I will get to Korea in a little bit.

My daughter's Bat Mitzvah went VERY WELL. She did great. The whole family from both sides came in along with many dear friends. It was great. We had already moved out of our house so we stayed in the Hotel with everyone. It worked out fine. Fantastic friends of ours helped store stuff, move stuff, decorate stuff and even have a family party at their house. It was a great life event for our entire family.

Now back to Korea -- This assignment came completely out of the blue, but for a variety of reasons we decided to take this assignment. Things happened very fast - we sold our mini-van, packed up our household goods and rented our house. Everything got done, but some of it waited until the very last minutes - good that it got done, but hard on the nerves.

We have been in Korea for just over two weeks. I will post future blogs shortly about my impressions and the things that we are doing.

Thanks for staying with me.