Saturday, July 18, 2009

C&O Canal National Park

My daughters and I went out to the C&O Canal National Park this morning and did the Billy Goat Section A hike. It was a beautiful day and a great hike. They advertise it as strenuous. Sometimes the NPS overstates this in an effort to dissuade those that are not in shape or prepared from trying hikes that are too much for them. They did not overstate this one. It was great fun bouldering and climbing over the rock like a true Mountain Goat.

Highly recommended!

Thursday, July 16, 2009

F-22 Raptor

I am finally glad to see the Air Force starting to get over the F-22. The CSAF and SECAF wrote a letter to Congress asking them to not fund more F-22s. They are concerned that if Congress funds the extra F-22s, then something else is going to fall out of the Air Force budget. Do not get me wrong. The F-22 is a fantastic aircraft with capabilities that are unequaled anywhere else in the world and all things being equal I would strongly advocate fore more F-22, but things aren't equal. The world is a strange different place with threats that we would not have imagined in a war that we would not have chosen. There are many other areas that the Air Force needs to start focusing on and getting off of the F-22 is a great first step. Now let's see if the contractors and Air Force pundits can make the shift.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Family and Friends

I know that it has been awhile. I have been on vacation for the last few weeks on and off. It has gotten me thinking and family and friends. Sometimes I find myself being very isolated - I want to do what I want to do with my family and don't really care to be with others. Then there is some reason for us to get together with family and friends and I once again realize how I could not truly live without them. For me it is a constant struggle to balance these two feelings.

I go to go to my Sister-in-laws wedding. It is so great to see them just starting out together. I envy them discovering things together. Having been married over 16 years, my life is so intertwined with my wifes that I can't imagine living without her. They are only starting to be this way. I wish them many happy years together.