Saturday, December 7, 2013

  I was recently asked about my Bucket List.  I really don't have a Bucket List.  To me, a Bucket List implies that if for some reason I do not accomplish these items, then my life would somehow be incomplete.
  If we use this definition, then I have already fulfilled my Bucket List.  i have found the love of my life and am spending my life with her. I have two beautiful children that make me proud each and every day.  I have given of myself in service to my country and community.  These are the things that I would include in my Bucket List.
  Do not take this as I am contented with a static life.  I have much that I would like to do, people that I would like to meet, and places that i would like to go, but they are not on my Bucket List, they are part of me living my life simple as that.

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