Saturday, December 27, 2014

Brave Parent

We have a friend that is the parent to three kids.  We have known them for a number of years and think very highly of them as people and as parents.  A few months ago, the mother did one of the bravest things that a parents can do - too a chance. 

  Their 13 year old was having her annual school physical.  Everything seem to be fine with her and the Doctor saw nothing wrong.  Before they left, he asked if there was anything else.  At this point, the mother said that her daughter had not seemed to be acting like herself ans asked if there is anything that the doctor may help with.  Her daughter broke down saying that she had been feeling depressed and felt that there was no one who cared.  This opened up the conversation between all of them.The doctor referred the daughter to a mental health professional and now she is getting the help that she needs.

  How easy it could have been for her mother to just chalk it up to "teenage angst" or something like that.  How easy it could have been for her to let it go, to not snoop, to keep family problems within the family, but that isn't what she did.  She did what she should have done, but which isn't easy.  She was brave enough to know her daughter and ask the questions. am proud of her and hope that I and all parents have this same bravery to look objectively at our children when physical and mental health is concerned and do what is needed for them.

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