Sunday, January 11, 2009

What is in a name like Moses?

I just finished reading the Book "Who Wrote the Bible" by Richard Friedman. It was a very interesting read. Do not think that it is an anti-religious, Bible debunking book. It is not. It really helped me understand the book and where it came from. It actually increased my respect and interest in the Bible.
I was always brought up that Moses wrote the Bible as it was dictated by God to him. This Moses guys was something else. In fact at the end of the Torah, it states that there will never be another like him to reiterate this point. One of the big Moses questions that I have is this. Why did God not change his name? For all of the previous forefather, when God makes a covenant with someone or they commit their lives to him, he changes his name e.g. Abram to Abraham, Jacob to Israel, etc, but here comes the biggest Prophet of all time and he gets to keep his name. A name that is not even Hebrew, but Egyptian. The Talmud alludes to some stories that there were previous predictions that Moses would come along and free the Jews and lead them to Israel. These predictions do not give any names (one of the big critique of Christianity's use of the Jewish Bible to predict Jesus as the Messiah).
If anyone has any insight into this mystery about Moses, I would welcome the feedback.


  1. That is a very interesting observation on Moses and it will require more thought, but my first thought is this: to Christians, Moses is a type and shadow of the Christ to come. Just as Joshua and David are - no name changes there either, and supposedly David wrote the Psalms. Second thought: Possibly, God's covenant with Abraham and the promises made to his seed was one covenant - The Covenant - that said I will establish my religion through you. Moses was a part of that covenant.

    I could go on, but my views are from a Christian standpoint and that may not be what you are looking for.

  2. Bag Blog - First, I am open to all viewpoint whether I hold them as my own or not. They may me think and open my mind. Second, I was told separately that Moses did have another name in the Torah. It was "The Prophet." Although this my be an answer for Jews, I don't think that it would be satisfactory for Christians.

    Thanks for the comment

  3. jim...this is my first visit to your blog. I welcome you to the blogosphere and I look forward to reading you again soon.

    ~AirmanMom returning to her blog...
