Sunday, February 22, 2009

Bailout Funds

I wanted to pass on my basic thoughts on all of this bailout money that has recently passed. I am afraid that this is more money to prop up an unsustainable economy based on personal deceptions. I am not saying that people have been decieved (although some of that has obviously gone on), but people have been deceiving themselves. People have been taking loans that they knew that they could not replay. Banks have been giving loans that they could not absorb to people that they knew could not repay. Investment banks have been giving money to people that they knew couldn't make money, but they deceived themselves into believing that it could happen. US manufacturers deceived themselves into believing that old wares repackage with a new twist is innovation that will sell to the world consumer market. Retailers believed that individuals would always spend money like they have on luxury items.

I believe that it is time for some tough love. Let the free trade market work the way it should. Let the government ensure that individuals who are unknowingly caught in this web are taken care of, retrained and put back into the market place. This is government's job, not trying to infuse Trillions of dollars to keep an unhealthy economy going like nothing happened. Americans hate to lose at anything, but pruning of the tree makes it stronger in the long run.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Land of Israel

In the Bible, God refers to the Promised Land (Israel) as the land of milk and honey. I think that it is interesting that these two foods are chosen. The are the only two food that we eat that do not require destroying life. (Salt may be a third, but that would be a stretch in my book). So if the land is supposed to run with these foods that do not require any life to be destroyed to eat, maybe it is saying something about the land itself. Maybe we are all supposed to enjoy and take part in the land without destroying life.

I know that this sounds somewhat idealistic and we have significant history to overcome. If this is an valid interpretation, maybe we should all take it heart.

Saturday, February 14, 2009


The nefarious plot of the Canadians to undermine the US has finally come to light. The NTSB has determined that Canadian Geese brought down the US Airways flight that landed in Hudson River a few weeks ago. It is obvious that the Canadians have been training their geese for years for this type of suicide mission. I am sure that this is just the tip of the iceberg for insurgent Canadian animals. What is the US to do about this???

We need to invade Canada! There is no way that we can live with this kind of wildlife threat along our northern border. Where will these Geese strike next? No on is safe until we neutralize this threat.

As a military man, I am willing to lead the invasion. Once I have secured all of the Molson and Labatt's breweries, the rest of you can follow!

If you are with me please response as soon as possible. Every day that we wait is another day we are vulnerable to this great threat.

This warning is brought to you by the American Sarcasm Society - Head Of Local Excitation.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Air Fore Accountability

WARNING***I am in a very cynical mood***WARNING

This past summer the CSAF and SECAF were fired. One of the major reasons given was the lack of accountability in the AF especially in the Nuclear areas. We now have had at least three Nuclear related inspections failed, yet no on has been fired. We had a Two-star General call residents of the Florida Panhandle "cracker house" "rednecks". He is still in place. A Col, Group Commander in Europe sent an e-mail that alienated many religious groups from her official e-mail. Yet she is still in Command. Where exactly is the accountability??

On the staff we have leaders at all levels that are afraid to make a decision - right or wrong. What are they afraid of - getting fired? I think not as evidently that doesn't happen in today's "accountable" Air Force.

I had high hopes that the new AF leadership would turn around the erosion of AF Values. I know that you cannot fire everyone at the drop of a hat. We are not a one mistake AF, but come on. There has to be some standards. I was always taught (and still believe) that leaders are held to a higher standard. To Command is a privilege not a right. It should be treated as such. I have been a Squadron Commander. This is how I try to Command and live in all aspects of my life.

The AF needs to wake up and refocus our moral (and mission) compass or else we risk losing our relevance.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Easy Ways to Give Back

I just wanted to pass on two easy things that I do regularly to try and give back to those in need.

First, every time we go the grocery store for our family trip, we by 4-6 extra cans of food or soup. We have a bag in the garage where these cans go so that when as canned food drive is going we have a significant donation. it is pretty easy to do as you can get canned veggies or soup from the local brand for less than a dollar. This is easier than running our to buy something or feeling guilty when the canned food drives come by.

Second, I am sure that everyone has received the e-mail about clicking for Mammograms. If you go the their web site there are actually six different efforts that you can support just be clicking. You can make this your home page so that it comes up right away for you to do or put it at the top of your Favorites/Bookmarks to remind yourself to click everyday.

Just my ideas - enjoy :)

Sunday, February 1, 2009


For those that would like to know a little bit more about me. Washington Jewish Week did a short profile on me. They do this every week on various people in the DC are Jewish community.

Here is the link: