Saturday, February 14, 2009


The nefarious plot of the Canadians to undermine the US has finally come to light. The NTSB has determined that Canadian Geese brought down the US Airways flight that landed in Hudson River a few weeks ago. It is obvious that the Canadians have been training their geese for years for this type of suicide mission. I am sure that this is just the tip of the iceberg for insurgent Canadian animals. What is the US to do about this???

We need to invade Canada! There is no way that we can live with this kind of wildlife threat along our northern border. Where will these Geese strike next? No on is safe until we neutralize this threat.

As a military man, I am willing to lead the invasion. Once I have secured all of the Molson and Labatt's breweries, the rest of you can follow!

If you are with me please response as soon as possible. Every day that we wait is another day we are vulnerable to this great threat.

This warning is brought to you by the American Sarcasm Society - Head Of Local Excitation.

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