Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Air Fore Accountability

WARNING***I am in a very cynical mood***WARNING

This past summer the CSAF and SECAF were fired. One of the major reasons given was the lack of accountability in the AF especially in the Nuclear areas. We now have had at least three Nuclear related inspections failed, yet no on has been fired. We had a Two-star General call residents of the Florida Panhandle "cracker house" "rednecks". He is still in place. A Col, Group Commander in Europe sent an e-mail that alienated many religious groups from her official e-mail. Yet she is still in Command. Where exactly is the accountability??

On the staff we have leaders at all levels that are afraid to make a decision - right or wrong. What are they afraid of - getting fired? I think not as evidently that doesn't happen in today's "accountable" Air Force.

I had high hopes that the new AF leadership would turn around the erosion of AF Values. I know that you cannot fire everyone at the drop of a hat. We are not a one mistake AF, but come on. There has to be some standards. I was always taught (and still believe) that leaders are held to a higher standard. To Command is a privilege not a right. It should be treated as such. I have been a Squadron Commander. This is how I try to Command and live in all aspects of my life.

The AF needs to wake up and refocus our moral (and mission) compass or else we risk losing our relevance.

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