Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Bat Mitzvah

We are just over 5 months from my oldest daughter's Bat Mitzvah. We are in the heat of the battle between balancing the spiritual with the party. I think that she is actually doing a better job than me. Although she complains whenever I tell her she has to study, she is doing great. As part of her service she has to write three different "speeches." Again she has floored me with the insight and maturity that she has shown in the drafts that she has put together.
I am sure that the anxiety will only ramp up as we get closer. It is nice to know that she is well grounded and hopefully that will help us all.

As an aside, we went to one of her friend's Bar Mitzvah last weekend. He had invited some of his friends that attend a different synagogue. These kids were the rudest kids I have every seen at a religious service. They were talking, playing grab ass, etc. I finally had enough and told them to be quiet twice. The third time, I told the "ring leader" to move over by me. He said "no". I could have killed him. My thoughts were how to subdue him without making a scene or any more noise. It was awful. Of course then I felt even worse because of how mad I got during a service. I could not enjoy it until I forced myself to focus and get something out of it.
It was the old "He made me fell that way," but i chose to feel differently.

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