Monday, April 27, 2009

High Water Marks

A few years ago when we were moving out the Virginia, my wife and I stopped at the Flight 93 Memorial in Shanksville, PA. Although there was only a temporary memorial, it was still a very moving experience. As an aside, I have been to all three locations that were attacks on 9/11 and can not help but get emotional all over again at each one. It occurred to me at the time that we were just about 100 miles from Gettysburg, PA. When I visited Gettysburg as a kid, I remember standing at eh "High Water Mark" -- the furthest advance that the Confederacy made into the North. it was at that point that the Union began to fight and win against the Confederacy in what was a long and bloody struggle. I hearken Shanksville a "High Water Mark." It is the point where we atarted to fight back against the terrorists and win. it to was the start to a long and bloody struggle with many fits and starts similar to the Civil War. Much like the Civil War it is a struggle worth fighting.

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