Sunday, November 23, 2014

What Are you going to do with your Second?

  Last year during the Iron Bowl (For those of you that don't know what this is, it is when Auburn University plays the University of Alabama in football - a very big thing in the Southeast US).  There was a play where Alabama used a challenge to put 1 second back on the clock.  In that 1 second Auburn won the game.  One of the themes for Auburn that has come out of it is "What will you do with your second?"

  There are infinite possibilities and what you use your second for now may be different than what you use your second for later.  The thought is that even in one second you can make a difference if you want to.  If you can make a difference with one second, what kind of difference can you make with a minute, hour, day, week, month, or year?

  We all need to realize the power that we have to make a difference in our and others lives.  Now we just need to remember that one second and make it happen.

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